Sunday, March 3, 2013




Kogan can let its TVs do the talking: this versatile little set is fine value for money


  • Great price
  • DVD player and PVR
  • Subtle, natural pictures for the money
  • Decent interface


  • Poor sound
  • Some motion issues and noise at times
Kogan Technologies is the only Australian-owned global consumer electronics brand, selling consumer electronics online direct from Asia to Australia and the UK.
The company has muscled in on this competitive market in, dare we say, typical Aussie style – by being happy to make plenty of noise and not worry too much if the odd rival gets rubbed up the wrong way in the process.
Finally we’ve got our hands on a unit to review: the Kogan KULED24DVDYA, a cheap-as-chips 24in LED-backlit LCD TV. As is often the case with screens at this size and price, the Kogan also comes with an integrated DVD player. What’s more, you can connect up to a 1TB hard disk drive via the USB input in order to set up a basic PVR.
Kogan KULED24DVDYA review: designIf you’re giving out style and design points, you probably won’t need your calculator for this Kogan: it’s simple and to the point, but does the job. There’s a DVD-player slot on the right-hand side, while connections are on the other side.
There are two HDMI inputs, a USB input (which can play music, movies
and pictures too) plus a good selection of other connections, including component, Scart, composite and S-Video. Inside, as well as that DVD player, there’s a standard-definition Freeview tuner, despite the impressive 1920 x 1080, Full HD resolution.
Kogan KULED24DVDYA review: performance
Fire-up the tuner and the picture looks good. Colours are natural and contrast levels good, the Kogan avoiding being overly gloomy or vivid. Sound quality – you guessed it – isn’t up to much, but the set sounds clear enough.
We switch to the DVD player and one of our classic test discs, Training Day, and the Kogan delivers sharp, detailed pictures. Again, skin tones are nicely balanced and black levels are accurate. Motion isn’t faultless and tricky-to-render landscapes see a little instability, but all told we’re pretty impressed.
Kogan KULED24DVDYA review: verdictAll told, we’ve enjoyed our first Kogan TV experience. Unlike the company’s marketing efforts, the TV is understated but effective, delivering fine pictures alongside impressive functionality.
And just look at the price!

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